
Students "early-duck" - 220 euros
Normal "early-duck" - 275 euros
Observer or Hunter day "early-duck" - 140 euros

Early-duck registration until 4 September 2022
Student late - 270 euros
Normal late - 325 euros
Observer or Hunter day late - 165 euros
Optics for Duck research and monitoring workshop - free
Duck capture and marking workshop - 10 euros
Duck capture and marking workshop field-trip - 25 euros

To thank the bird watchers and the hunters who collaborate in the monitoring and in the study of ducks, we created a one-day inscription for each group, in which the presentation of the oral communications that use these data types will be concentrated:
- "The Observer's day and the Hunter's day";
- Full registration includes all meals.
- From Monday dinner to Thursday dinner, as well as PEDS6.
- Field trip and PEDS6 dinner. Observers or Hunter's day registration only includes lunch.

Duck capture and marking workshop includes lunch. Duck capture and marking workshop field-trip registration includes dinner.
To register: Click here

Data for bank transfer:
Name of Bank: Agência de Gestão da Tesouraria e da Dívida Pública - IGCP, IP
Name of account: IPC - IIA BIC-SWIFT - IGCPPTPL
IBAN - PT50078101120112001244071

Please, indicate on the bank transfer PEDS6 - Your Name.
Please send proof of transfer to or Students should include proof of student state.